Asbestos Sheet
Asbestos sheet is the abbreviation of asbestos fiber cement slab, which is produced from asbestos, glass fiber, clay and other materials according to scientific formula. It has strong resistance to tension, pressure, and can withstand about 1400°C, and it is fireproof. This series of asbestos products are very popular in some countries and regions.
Asbestos sheets are divided into asbestos insulation sheet, asbestos rubber sheet and asbestos cement sheet.
Its also called the asbestos white sheet, is a plate-like material made of asbestos as the main material and mixed with a certain bonding filler material. It is mainly used in steel plants and aluminum plants as heat insulation layers and boiler compartments, thermal insulation.
It is made by pressing asbestos, rubber and filler. It is characterized by medium hardness, acid and alkali resistance. It can work in 20% acid (alkali) liquid with a temperature of -30~+60°C, mainly used as various sealing materials.
The asbestos sheets can cause certain harm to the human body. Asbestos itself is non-toxic, but because some of the asbestos has a very fine particle size and is scattered in the air as dust, it is easy to deposit in the lungs after being inhaled into the body, causing organ cancer. During use, we must take care not to inhale, or choose Fuyuan Sealing non-asbestos products.